Our mission

Our mission is to scale sustainable forestry through financial innovation, with a target of 3% of global Assets under Management to be invested in sustainable forestry:

Fight climate change

Alongside technological innovations for capturing carbon dioxide, nature-based approaches like afforestation and reforestation present significant opportunities for long-term carbon storage. While technology-based carbon capture methods can be significantly more expensive, often greatly exceeding USD 100 per metric ton of CO2e, nature-based solutions provide a cost-effective alternative, with sequestration costs ranging from USD 4 to 50 per metric ton of CO2e. Furthermore, nature-based solutions are not only cost-effective and proven, but also offer biodiversity and social impact benefits.

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Deliver returns

Long-term sustainable forestry projects must be based on sound commercial business models in order to ensure financial independence and to deliver attractive returns to investors. Our research shows a growing global deficit of wood supply in the long-term, which when coupled with forestry's carbon sequestration properties, presents a substantial commercial opportunity for investors.

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Promote biodiversity

As deforestation is an undeniable driver of the loss of biodiversity, halting deforestation is a central goal of FLS®. Mosaic forestry blends commercial areas with conservation zones, enabling the maximization of relative biodiversity gains and of carbon sequestration. FLS® projects seek to ensure a minimum conservation area of 25%, which may be increased in line with local circumstances and investors' needs.

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Provide liquidity

Every project and activity within FLS® are being built with scale and liquidity in mind. To that end, FLS® is not a fund and all projects are structured following the same general principles. Once projects demonstrate stable cashflows, FLS® will aim to securitize the forestry assets to provide early investors with exit opportunities and financial upside, without affecting the underlying sustainability or economics.

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